Let's say you are a person that budgets your spending.
You have a budget for clothes, for housing, for fuel, for entertainment, for food, etc..
OK, let's take a look at the food budget.
You have $x to buy the grocery items needed to prepare meals for your family.
But which of your recipes can you use without exceeding your budget?
Michelle's Menu Planner can help with that.
It is a suite of four apps that you can use to help you stay on track.
Download here: Michelle's Menu Planner

Menu Planner Michelle's Menu Planner
This is where it all comes together.
Simply drag a recipe name to a day.
Drill down and add up to 5 side dishes.
Get a list of all the items needed for the selected date range.
Get a list of  recipes whose total cost is within your budget.
The Recipe
Recipes Recipes
Manage all (or just your favorite) recipes.
Add a recipe manually or scan and convert to text.
Groceries Groceries
Use your grocery receipts to enter the cost of  the items purchased.
This is the data that is used to estimate the cost of each recipe.
It is also used to estimate the total cost of  the shopping list.
This app can generate several reports to help you identify what you are spending your budget on.
Shopping List Shopping
This app uses the Items data to print customized Shopping lists. Manage Lists


You can contact me at MMPP@GreatDayDan.com